

Leveraging Unleash to Drive Risk Reduction and Enhance Dev Productivity at Wayfair

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 / 9AM-10AM PT / 12PM-1PM ET / 6PM-7PM CET

Join us for this live webinar featuring Mark Quigley, Engineering Leader for Internal Developer Platforms and Engineering Enablement at Wayfair.


Meet our guests

Discover how Wayfair uses Unleash Feature Management to mitigate deployment risks and enhance developer productivity.

  • Mark Quigley

    Engineering Leader: Internal Developer Platforms and Engineering Enablement

  • Ivar Østhus

    Co-founder and CTO, Unleash

About this webinar


  • Mark Quigley Head of Internal Dev Platforms  @ Wayfair has over 30 years of software dev and software management experience.
  • You will learn how Wayfair uses Unleash feature flags to manage risk and streamline development processes
  • You will see a real-world application of feature flags that have propelled Wayfair’s growth to a top 10 e-commerce company.
  • You will walk away with insights to transform your engineering practices for optimal efficiency and security.

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