Unleash 6.1
Hello! Unleash 6.1 is out. We added support for SCIM and released a new Android SDK. For self-hosted customers we’ve also streamlined the SSO setup.
As usual, you can find the complete release notes on GitHub.
New: SCIM support
We now support SCIM. It’s a lot easier to automatically manage users via Okta or Microsoft Entra.
That means you can easily create, delete, and modify user accounts in your Identity Management Platform, and these users will be updated in Unleash without any manual work, saving you time and improving security by ensuring only allowed users have access to Unleash.
New: Android SDK
We have created a new SDK for Android. It’s now on v1.0, is out and published to Maven Central so you can grab it with your preferred way of managing dependencies. It’s a brand new SDK so make sure to read our migration guide to make the transition as smooth as possible.
The legacy Android SDK still exists, but it’s now deprecated.
We’ve added the following improvements over the previous Android SDK:
- Enhanced Logging: We integrate with the native Android logging system.
- Lifecycle Awareness: We added some optimizations to respect the Android lifecycle, and decrease background activities.
- Updated API Compatibility: We now support Android 21 at minimum, with optimizations for Android 23 and above.
- Network Monitoring: We now reduce unnecessary polling by monitoring network connectivity (Available for Android 23+).
Improved: SSO setup for self-hosted
We’ve streamlined setting up SSO for self-hosted instances of Unleash. Before this improvement, SSO wasn’t available to configure when you were starting Unleash and you had to implement SSO manually. Now it’s available when starting Unleash which makes it much easier to automate the setup process.
Have you signed up for UnleashCon?
We’re running our annual user conference on September 25, 2024. UnleashCon will feature 10+ speakers from customers like you using Unleash. Our speakers will share their stories, use cases, and how adopting feature flags helped their development teams.
If you’re ever wondering how other people use Unleash and feature flags in practice, or simply thinking “Why now?” then you’ll want to attend.